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When Illness Obliterates My Intentions

I am going to begin by apologizing but, please understand, I no longer do that frequently. I had hoped to have several examples of pain documentation tools on the site by the end of the weekend. It is now Tuesday and I am no closer to getting them posted. They are a work in progress.

In addition to the pain in my head and body, I frequently have trouble with my vision. As I write this, it is blurry and coming in and out of focus. If I look too long, it becomes a blob of white on black. I thought that maybe taking a few days off might help, but it hasn’t. So, I will continue to work on things as best as I can.

I want to give you a quick explanation of my statement above about not apologizing. After being ill for a while, it seemed as if I was apologizing all the time. I couldn’t make social engagements, family dinners, my child’s activities, and so on. Then I realized that this isn’t my fault. I would love to be at those events but I can’t. I love to see my friends but sometimes, I just can’t. It isn’t my fault. I did not do anything to make myself sick. I am not doing things to keep myself sick. As a matter of face, I spend an enormous amount of time trying to get well. I am sick of being sick! But, I can’t change it at this point. So, I rarely apologize.

I rarely rsvp as a yes. It is typically a, I can’t tell you until that day. Please don’t include me in numbers for food. If I can come, that will be great but if not, I don’t want you to waste things. Most people understand. I hope you will also.

Have a wonderful evening. Continue to choose your way to healing with peace!
